DIY Water Audits


Tucson Home Water Works Calculator

The Tucson Home Water Works Calculator estimates household water use and compares your home to both the average and efficient household within your zip/postal code. The customer receives a report that shows specifically where water is being used in the home and provides customized efficiency recommendations. Customers can receive a $25 bill credit for using the calculator. See below. Please note that this is a first come first serve opportunity for Tucson Water customers with active water service. The first 2,000 customers that complete the steps below will receive the credit. 

$25 Bill Credit Requirements:

1. Be a Tucson Water Customer with active water service

2. Take the self-paced Tucson Water Smart Homes Workshop.

To our knowledge, customers have better experiences when accessing the workshop, navigating the calculator, and completing the online forms from a computer. If you don't own a computer and would like to take the workshop through one, check out this list of Pima County Libraries with access to computers and laptops.

3. Fill out the workshop attendance form. (available after the workshop is completed)

4. Use the calculator, download or screenshot your report for reference, and fill out the bill credit form. The workshop shows you how to complete this.

English Workshop - Tucson Water Smart Homes                  Spanish Workshop - Tucson Water Smart Homes


Ready to navigate the calculator? Here are some things to keep in mind:
  • Please complete the calculator and bill credit form AFTER taking the workshop. If you still need help completing the required steps for the $25 bill credit, click the button below to access detailed instructions.


Step-by-step Guide: Using the calculator & filling out the bill credit form


  • A portion of the Tucson Home Water Works Calculator asks the customer to calculate square footage. If you need assistance with this, refer to one of the 2-minute tutorials listed below and learn how to use the measuring tool.




Water Conservation Calculators

Water usage calculators can be helpful for quantifying water consumption for certain activities around the home. Below are some calculators that can be helpful. 

*Bill credit opportunity NOT available for these calculators.


Check out the Water Footprint Calculator if you'd like to get an idea of what your footprint is for the use of tap water as well as the water used to produce food, electricity, gas, and home goods.

Want to get an idea of how much water those drips and leaks around your home could be wasting? Check out the American Water Works Association Drip Calculator.

Have you ever considered removing your pool but aren't quite sure if it's the right choice or if it even is a cost-effective decision? This Pool Savings Estimator can calculate how much it could be costing you to maintain your pool.  

Water Flow Monitoring Devices

Third-party water monitoring devices can provide peace-of-mind and real-time information about water use at your home. These devices, often referred to as flow monitoring or leak detection devices, serve the dual purpose of identifying when the meter has continuous flow, which may indicate a leak, and providing detailed information on use and duration of use in and around the house, which can identify conservation opportunities. These flow monitoring devices come in two basic types with various features.

The first type of device physically attaches to your city water meter and has been programmed to measure the magnetic pulse that resonates when water flows through the meter.

The second type of device is installed in line with your service line, after the water meter, on the pipe leading to your house; these devices measure water directly as it flows through the pipe.

All of these devices utilize Wi-Fi to transmit data from the device to a phone app, which provides the user with direct and immediate water use and flow information. Some devices include additional features such as automatic and remote water supply shut off if a leak is detected, goal setting and water budgeting, pressure monitoring, and temperature monitoring.

Interested in purchasing a flow monitoring device for your home?

What to know before installing a flow monitoring device:

  • Customers may, at their own risk, install non-invasive monitoring devices on their City water meters for the purpose of managing water use on their property, but any damage to the meter unit, box or piping, or water loss is a violation of Tucson City Code (27-11 and 27-17) and will be the responsibility of the Tucson Water account holder.  

  • Tucson Water may need to remove water monitoring devices to repair or replace a meter and will not be liable for damage to water monitoring devices. If a device is removed from the meter for maintenance purposes, the device will be returned to the customer. 

  • Tucson Water may change the meter at any time, and it is possible that the new meter may be incompatible with a third-party monitoring device. In the event a meter is incompatible with a device, Tucson Water will not replace a meter to meet device specifications. 

  • For billing purposes, the only reading accepted for determining usage and charges is the water meter owned by Tucson Water, not any third-party device. 

  • For data security purposes, if a customer installs a monitoring device on their meter, Tucson Water is not responsible for the release of any data to a third-party who might access it.